December 16 | 6-7PM | FREE
It's almost time for our last Bletcher Hour of 2021!
The gallery’s critical reading group, named after our first librarian Hazel Bletcher, gathers for open discussion once a month. Readings explore key themes of the exhibitions and current events, with the intent to deepen our understanding of the artworks and their context within our community.
On December 16, we will explore "Decolonial or Creolized Commons? Sámi Duodji in the Expanded Field" by Charlotte Bydler, as featured in the book Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Svein Aamold, with Elin Haugdal and Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen. The article references the art of Britta Marakatt-Labba, who is featured in our current exhibition Under the Vast Sky.
Everyone is welcome to join these open discussions! Readings are sent as PDFs in advance of the event. Please contact Heather Kehoe, Publications & Programming Intern | to sign up.