Brian Goeltzenleuchter, Sonic Massage Unit, 2010

05.01.2010 to 06.20.2010

c (pronounced /k/) WELLNESS CENTRE Workplace choices more often than not, are the result of expediency, statistical fallacy, sentiment, political or media pressure, or personal prejudice and vested interest. Crucial decisions affecting the lives of everyone in the institution are made under conditions that virtually guarantee failure. Because workplace personnel lack the necessary reality base for formulation of effective problem resolutions, they fall back over and over, on a resort of force, which is extremely costly, instead of employing power, which is extremely economical. Although we ascribe our actions to reason, man in fact operates primarily out of pattern recognition; the logical arrangement of data serves mainly to enhance a pattern recognition system that then becomes "truth." but nothing is ever 'true.' except under certain circumstances, and then only from a particular viewpoint, characteristically unstated. c (pronounced /k/), the boutique wing of Contraposto Home Decor Co., desires to assist cultural institutions in their quest for power.

Our Wellness Centre runs according to the following logic: in the paradigm of heightened awareness the only thing that has beginning or end is perception itself. Attaining heightened levels of awareness (power) is a goal that can be facilitated through a comprehensive set of Wellness Modalities. Our proprietary line of aural (sonic massage), olfactory (scent station), and visual (light corridor) Modalities offers a path to institutional wellbeing. All those affiliated with the Southern Alberta Art Gallery are encouraged to use the wellness centre and any of its products for sale in the gift shop other goods and services may be found at

Sonic Massage Unit

The Sonic Massage Unit applies aural stimulation to promote heightened levels of perception. The compositions heard on the SMU have been researched, composed, and tested by vibration scholar Sean Francis Conway. For best results: Sit on the mat. Relax the eyes and the body. Listen to the sounds without discrimination. Remain mindful of the sensations occurring in the ears, taking note of where in the body those sensations

subsequently register. The SMU features compositions from the “Sonic Impact Series” CD, which is available for purchase in the gift shop.

Scent Station

With the press of a button, the Scent Station dispenses a small dose of SAAG Environmental Fragrance. By exploiting the precognitive sense of smell, this custom fragrance can be applied at regular intervals to cleanse the environmental ambiance, thereby stimulating consistent degrees of positive energy and creativity, and encouraging high levels of productivity and enthusiasm. For best results: Relax or close the eyes. Press the button and inhale deeply through the nose. Experience the scent with your whole body. Repeat the process, this time using two or three short inhalations. SAAG Environmental Fragrance is available for purchase in the gift shop.

Light Corridor

The Light Corridor creates an intense, progressive encounter with the healing properties of light. For best results: Walk mindfully through the Light Corridor. Give your whole body over to the light, taking note of the sensations that occur in the eyes, while expanding your consciousness to perceive where else in the body those sensations register. Continue to note the effects of the light even after you exit the corridor.

Curated by Ryan Doherty

Brian Goeltzenleuchter is a research-based conceptual artist working at the intersection of social engagement, olfactory art, and drawing/printmaking. He has held residencies at Banff Centre, Canada, Centrum Beeldende Kunst, The Netherlands, Sculpture Space, New York, and Institute for Art and Olfaction, Los Angeles. He is the Darlene Shiley Honors Faculty Fellow in the Weber Honors College, and Research Fellow at the Institute for Public and Urban Affairs, San Diego State University.

